How to use the cards


This is a great way to get inspired and get started with your practice. Start by studuing the sun salutation cards and then do as many rounds you need to warm up your body.

Continue to the standing poses and do as many as you feel comfortable with, in the beginning just a few poses is enough. Move forward to the seated poses and try out a few of those, in the beginning starting with just a few poses from every section is enough. After the seated poses continue to backbend (start with the modification of the full pose or feel free to skip this pose) Remember to respect your body and limits. Finish your practice with some of the finishing poses and a long nice Savasana.

We recomed you to check out our video Inrto to Ashtanga.


This is a great tool that will help you to memorize the sequence and prepare you for youre Mysore practice. Use the cards as flashcards to memorise the sequence, names of the poses, drishti, modifications and benefits of each pose. You can also study the openinga nad closing mantras, lern more about how to apply bandhas and use ujjai breathing tequniqe.


If you are in you are in your Ashtanga teacher training or Vinyasa teacher training (or any other YTT) you need this cards!

They are perfect for YTT and can be used as flashcards to learn the names of the poses in English and Sanskrit such as drishti, instructions, modifications and benfits of each pose.

They will help you to learn the Ashtanga Primary series and Sanskrit counting.

You could also use them to practice asana cueing and to create your own sequences for a class!